torsdag 28 juni 2012

Bengal Katten

From time immemorial, cat has been a cute companion and part of a human life. Bengal Cat is a cross between the tame and wild cat. They are just like a ordinary house cat. They can be tamed easily. The Bengal has been named from the Latin name is often referred to as "Felis bengalensis". It is the name of the Asian Leopard Cats Cats (ALC), or as we call them; Asian Leopard Cat, or Dwarf Tiger Cat. In the 60s it was possible to buy ALC-cats in some zoo-shops both in Europe and the United States. Today, there is a very tight restrictions on the importation of such species. In the breeding of Bengal, no wild-caught cats used, but about ALC-cats bred and raised by humans.
Bengal was approved by TICA( The International Cat Association) approved spotted pattern in 1991 and marble pattern and snow variants in 1994. For Sweden, the first Bengal around 1995, and since then it has been imported from Bengal including England, Iceland, Canada, Australia and the USA. First approved breed in the Independent (IDP, the clubs are independent clubs), and in 1999 was approved by the SVERAK. The number of Bengals raised in Sweden is increasing steadily, and the race is on a roll.

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